Saturday, January 31, 2015

CL450 Racer - Prepping for Loring 2015 Part 1

After taking the 2014 race season off, I immediately started 2015 by prepping my CL450 for the Spring Event at the Loring Timing Association. Modifications are relatively light this year, and are mostly focused on the ignition and exhaust systems. I picked up a pair of EMGO reverse-cone megaphones and a PAMCO electronic ignition system, and will be installing and tuning for them over the next few months.

Reverse-Cone Megaphone

Wide open and LOUD

Original Points Ignition

PAMCO ignition loosely installed

Monday, January 12, 2015

Curing the Wintertime Blues - A Visit to Motorcyclopedia

This past weekend, I finally paid a visit to Motorcyclopedia in Newburgh, New York. I had heard about this place for years, and on Sunday, while recovering from a cold, I drove up with my buddy to check it out. I was blown away by the size of the collection, especially the vintage hillclimbers, the pre-WW1 bikes, the vintage police bikes, and the unrestored barn finds. During the warmer months, they also have "Wall of Death" shows, and throughout the year they host Lecture Series and Swap Meets. I will definitely be returning again soon.

Fins cut down for running on alcohol

Homemade studded tires

CB750 Sidecar Racer

Two engines and a supercharger

Ariel Square 4 - One of the prettiest engines ever built

The Japanese Section

Hercules Wankel Rotary

Wall of Death Indian Scout

Rear hub clutch

Motorcycle modified into a railcar, apparently owned by Charles Lindbergh

Drew taking notes on a KZ400 Cutaway

Sandcasting molds

Nassau County Police Department



...and Vincent

Homemade Excelsior Replica

Engine Running Video

Steam Bike

Indian Scout

Snow Skies

One of many Barn Finds

HiRail Truck abandoned out back

Boxcar being converted into a theater